Teaching practice - fourth week
It was the fourth week of our teaching practice.In the fourteenth day(25/7/22)of our teaching practice I had class in 9E in the fourth period.I took there the topic Polar nature from the chapter Chemical bonding.I used video and chart to introduce the concept.The topic was quite interesting.Afternoon we had exam duty.In the next day on 26/7/22 i had class in 8 D and I taught the concept of Origin of names of elements from the chapter Basic constituents of matter by using Inquiry training model.After that I get a period in 8B and I taught there the concept of Scalar and Vector quantities from the chapter Motion. Afternoon we have a meeting on head masters room .He informed us about the Founder's day celebration.
In the next day on 27/7/22 we had no regular class because of the Founder's day.There is a special assembly and programme which has been inaugurated by honourable MLA P.C VishnuNath.After the program they arrange a wonderful meal for us and there is a distribution of payasam,sweets etc.In the next day(29/7/22) I went to 9E and conducted a diagnostic test from the chapter Chemical bonding.After the test I taught there the concept of Valency.I took the concept by using ppt.